ProSuite package
Data Model
- class prosuite.data_model.BaseDataset(name: str, filter_expression: str = '')
The base class for datasets representing tabular data. It is either a
or, in the future, aTransformedDataset
- class prosuite.data_model.Dataset(name: str, model: Model, filter_expression: str = '')
A dataset represents data from a table or feature class in a workspace, optionally filtered by an SQL expression.
- Parameters
name (str) – table or featureclass name
model (class:prosuite.data_model.Model) – The
this dataset belongs to.filter_expression (str, optional) – A where clause that filters the table. The syntax of the where clause is defined in the document SQLSyntax_en.pdf
- class prosuite.data_model.Model(name, catalog_path)
The Model represents the data model in a workspace (file-gdb or enterprise-gdb)
- catalog_path examples:
c:/data.gdb c:/enterprise_gdb.sde
- catalog_path: str
The catalog path of the associated workspace.
- name: str
The unique name of the model.
- class prosuite.data_model.TransformedDataset(transformer_descriptor: str, name: str = '', filter_expression: str = '')
- generate_name()
Generates a technical name using the dataset name(s) and the test descriptor. This is the default name of a condition if it was created by the standard factory method from
- name: str
The unique name of the transformed dataset.
- parameters: List[Parameter]
The list of parameters. Typically the parameters are specified in the factory method used to create the transformed dataset (see
) and do not need to be changed through this list.
- transformer_descriptor
The transformer descriptor, i.e. the algorithm used to generate this dataset.
- prosuite.data_model.create_name(descriptor, params) str
- class prosuite.quality.Condition(test_descriptor: str, name: str = '')
Defines a quality condition, i.e. the configuration of a test algorithm for one or more datasets. Conditions must be created with the factory methods from
- allow_errors: bool
For internal use only.
- category: str
The name of the category, if this issue is assigned to a category.
- description: str
Freely definable description of the Quality Condition. This description can be displayed when viewing issues in the issue navigator, and may contain explanations to the Quality Condition and instructions for correcting the issues.
- generate_name()
Generates a technical name using the dataset name(s) and the test descriptor. This is the default name of a condition if it was created by the standard factory method from
- issue_filter_expression: str
Reserved for future use.
- issue_filters: List[IssueFilter]
Reserved for future use.
- issue_type: IssueType
Defines if a failing test returns a warning or an error issue. Quality conditions with Issue Type = Warning are considered “soft” conditions, for which exceptions (“Allowed Issues”) may be defined.
- name
The unique name of the quality condition.
- parameters: List[Parameter]
The list of parameters. Typically the parameters are specified in the factory method used to create the quality condition (see
) and do not need to be changed through this list.
- stop_on_error: bool
Indicates if the occurrence of an error for an object should stop any further testing of the same object. This can be used to prevent further tests on a feature after a serious geometry error (e.g. incorrectly oriented rings) was detected for the feature. The used Test Descriptor provides a standard value for this property. It can optionally be overridden here.
- test_descriptor
The test descriptor, i.e. the algorithm used to verify this condition.
- url: str
Optional URL to a website providing additional information for this Quality Condition. Certain Quality Conditions require more detailed information about the test logic and/or the correction guidelines than the field “Description” can provide. This information can for example be assembled in a wiki, and the URL may be provided here. When viewing issues in the issue navigator, the corresponding web page can be opened. In the HTML verification reports these URLs are used to render the names of the Quality Conditions as links.
- class prosuite.quality.DdxSpecification(ddx_id: int, project_short_name: str)
Represents a specification defined in the Data Dictionary (DDX). This requires a server that is configured with a data dictionary connection.
- ddx_id: int
ID of the specification in the data dictionary. Find out by using the properties window of the specification in the data dictionary editor.
- project_short_name: str
Short name of the project in the data dictionary. This is used to determine the main main workspace of the verification. In case the issues are written to the error datasets in the data model the project short name is used to determine the correct error datasets. See
- class prosuite.quality.IssueFilter(issue_filter_descriptor: str, name: str = '', expression: str = '')
- generate_name()
Generates a technical name using the dataset name(s) and the test descriptor. This is the default name of a condition if it was created by the standard factory method from
- issue_filter_descriptor
The issue filter descriptor, i.e. the algorithm used to filter the issues.
- name
The unique name of the issue filter.
- parameters: List[Parameter]
The list of parameters. Typically the parameters are specified in the factory method used to create the issue filter (see
) and do not need to be changed through this list.
- class prosuite.quality.Parameter(name: str, value)
A parameter configures a quality condition. Parameters can represent Datasets (dataset parameter) or scalar values (scalar parameters). Parameters have a name and a value.
Dataset parameters: value is of type dataset. the parameter can retrieve the workspace id (model name) and the where clause (filter expression) of the dataset.
Scalar parameters: value is a simple type (number, string, bool).
- get_string_value() str
- get_where_clause()
- get_workspace_id()
- is_dataset_parameter() bool
- static value_is_list_of_datasets(value)
- class prosuite.quality.Specification(name: str = 'Custom Specification', description: str = '')
Represents a quality specification defined in code. Quality specifications are collections of quality conditions.
- Parameters
name (str) – specification name
description (str) – specification description
- class prosuite.quality.XmlSpecification(specification_file: str, specification_name: Optional[str] = None, data_source_replacements: Optional[List[List[str]]] = None)
Represents a specification defined in the xml specification schema. Quality specifications are collections of quality conditions.
- Parameters
specification_file (str) – path to the xml specification file
specification_name (str) – name of the specification (in the xml file) that should be executed. If not defined in the constructor, it needs to be defined before it is used.
data_source_replacements ([[str]]) – a list containing a list with two string elements. These represent a workspace id together with the path to the workspace. Example: [[“TLM_Production”, “C:/temp/user@topgist.sde”]]. More details are provided below the XML verification sample.
- static get_specification_names(specification_file: str) List[str]
Returns a list of the specification names of all specifications in all categories of the xml-specifications doc.
- Parameters
specification_file (str) – path of xml specification file.
- Returns
List of specification names
- Return type
- class prosuite.verification.AdvancedParameters(specification, output_dir, perimeter, verification_params: Optional[VerificationParameters] = None)
- class prosuite.verification.EnvelopePerimeter(x_min: float, y_min: float, x_max: float, y_max: float)
A spatial envelope defined by the bounding coordinates. The spatial reference must match the spatial reference of the datasets.
- class prosuite.verification.EsriShapePerimeter(esri_shape: bytes)
A polygon in the Esri shape buffer format.
- class prosuite.verification.InvolvedTable(table_name: str, object_ids: list)
Represents a table involved in a verification issue.
- object_ids
A list of object IDs from the table that are involved in the issue.
- table_name
The name of the table.
- class prosuite.verification.Issue(issue_msg: prosuite.generated.shared_qa_pb2.IssueMsg)
Represents an issue found during the verification.
To initialize an Issue object, pass the issue message to it. The Issue object extracts some properties from the issue message and makes them available as attributes:
- allowable
If the issue is allowable.
- description
The description of the issue.
- geometry
The geometry involved of the issue.
- involved_objects
A list of InvolvedTable objects that are involved in the issue.
- issue_code
The issue code ID.
- stop_condition
If the issue is a stop condition.
- class prosuite.verification.MessageLevel
- level_10000 = 'Verbose'
- level_110000 = 'Fatal'
- level_30000 = 'Debug'
- level_40000 = 'Info'
- level_60000 = 'Warn'
- level_70000 = 'Error'
- class prosuite.verification.Service(host_name: str, port_nr: int, channel_credentials: Optional[grpc.ssl_channel_credentials] = None)
The service class communicates on the http/2 channel with the server and initiates the quality verifications.
- HTML_REPORT = 'verification.html'
The name of the html verification report. It will be written to the output_dir specified in the
- ISSUE_GDB = 'Issues.gdb'
The name of the issue File Geodatabase. It will be written to the output_dir specified in the
method. This File Geodatabase contains the issues found during the verification and could be used as the source for the Issue Worklist in the ProSuite QA Add-In for ArcGIS Pro.
- XML_REPORT = 'verification.xml'
The name of the xml verification report. It will be written to the output_dir specified in the
- host_name
The name or IP address of the host running the quality verification service.
- port_nr
The port used by the quality verification service.
- ssl_channel_credentials: grpc.ssl_channel_credentials
The channel credentials to be used for TLS/SSL server authentication, if required by the server (Default: None -> No TLS/SSL).
to create the basic https credentials if the appropria root certificates are in the windows certificate store. For advanced scenarios or credentials on a non-windows platform, see the gRPC Python docs (
- verify(specification: Union[Specification, XmlSpecification, DdxSpecification], perimeter: Optional[Union[EnvelopePerimeter, EsriShapePerimeter, WkbPerimeter]] = None, output_dir: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[VerificationParameters] = None) Iterable[VerificationResponse]
Executes a quality verification by running all the quality conditions defined in the provided quality specification. Returns a collection of VerificationResponse objects, containing the verification messages.
Please refer to the samples for more details.
- Parameters
specification – The quality specification containing the conditions to be verified. It can be a
directly defined in python code, aprosuite.quality.DdxSpecification
defined in the data dictionary or aprosuite.quality.XmlSpecification
from an XML file, for example created by the XML export in the ProSuite Data Dictionary Editor.perimeter – The perimeter that defines the polygon or extent of the verification. Default: None -> Full extent of the verified datasets.
output_dir – The output directory (must be writable / creatable by the service process). Default: No output is written by the server process.
parameters – Additional optional verification parameters.
- Returns
Iterator for looping over VerificationResponse objects. The verification response contains progress information, found issues and, in the final message, the verification results.
- Return type
- class prosuite.verification.ServiceStatus
- status_0 = 'Undefined'
- status_1 = 'Running'
- status_2 = 'Cancelled'
- status_3 = 'Finished'
- status_4 = 'Failed'
- class prosuite.verification.VerificationParameters(tile_size: int = 5000, user_name: Optional[str] = None)
Contains all parameters that can be passed to a verification.
- add_objects_to_verify(dataset_id: int, object_ids: list)
Adds a dataset and a list of object IDs to the objects to be verified.
- Parameters
dataset_id (int) – The dataset ID containing the selected datasets The id can be look up in the DataDictionaryEditor -> Data -> Data Models -> Dataset -> Properties.
object_ids (list) – A list of feature-object IDs from the dataset to be verified.
- desired_parallel_processing: int
The desired number of parallel worker processes to be used if the server allows parallel processing.
- objects_to_verify
A dictionary containing the dataset IDs and the object IDs to be verified. The dataset ID can be looked up in the Data Dictionary Editor -> Data -> Data Models -> Dataset -> Properties. Use the method add_objects_to_verify to add a list of IDs for a specific dataset.
- save_verification_statistics
If True, the verification statistics will be saved into the Data Dictionary database.
- tile_size: int
The size (in meter) for testing quality conditions.
- update_issues_in_verified_model
If True, the issues will be updated in the error datasets of the verified model.
- user_name: str
The executing user which will be used in issue features.
- class prosuite.verification.VerificationResponse(service_call_status: str, message: str, message_level: str, issue_msgs: list)
This class represents a VerificationResponse Message. The str() method is overridden to return all properties from the VerificationResponse when a VerificationResponse object is printed using pythons print() method.
- issues
- message: str
the actual message
- message_level
message level -> see class MessageLevel
- service_call_status
service status -> see class ServiceStatus
- class prosuite.verification.WkbPerimeter(wkb: bytes)
A polygon in the OGC well-known-binary format. For example, in ArcPy the geometry’s WKB property could be used to acquire this format.
- prosuite.utils.append_timestamp_to_basepath(base_path)
- prosuite.utils.get_ssl_channel_credentials() grpc.ssl_channel_credentials
Creates an ssl channel credentials object for use with an SSL-enabled channel for the authentication with a server that requires TLS/SSL. The appropriate root certificates for server authentication are loaded from the windows certificate store.
- Returns
A ChannelCredentials object
- prosuite.utils.get_value_or_default(value: Any, default: Any) Any
Returns the value if it is not None. Else returns the default value.
- prosuite.utils.load_file_as_string(file_name: str) str
- prosuite.utils.load_json_file(json_file_path: str)
- prosuite.utils.objectify_xml(path_file) lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement
Try to objectify the xml file and return the objectified element. Return None if it fails.
- prosuite.utils.str_is_none_or_empty(string: str) bool
- prosuite.utils.str_not_empty(string: str) bool
- prosuite.utils.to_bool(value: Optional[Union[str, bool, int]] = None, default_value: bool = False) bool
” treats “true” or “True” or ‘yes’ or ‘Yes’ or 1 or ‘1’ as True (bool). Anything else returns False (bool)
- prosuite.utils.to_float(value: Optional[Union[str, int, float]], default_value: float = 0) Optional[float]
- Parameters
value – value that gets converted to float type
default_value – value that is returned in case the float conversion fails
- Returns
- prosuite.utils.to_int(value: Optional[Union[str, int]], default_value: int = 0) Optional[int]
Tries to convert the input value to int. If conversion is not possible, returns the default value.
- Parameters
value – value that gets converted to int type
default_value – value that is returned in case the int conversion fails
- Returns
int representation of the input value or 0
- prosuite.utils.to_spatial_reference_xml(sr_id: str)
- prosuite.utils.try_get_from_oe(prop: str, object: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement) Optional[str]
- prosuite.utils.try_get_from_str_dict(key: str, dictionary: dict, default_value: Optional[Union[int, float, str]] = '') Optional[Union[int, float, str]]
returns the value of the lookup element if it is available in the dict. if the lookup element is not in the dict, the default value is returned.
- prosuite.utils.try_get_lxml_attrib(node: lxml.objectify.ObjectifiedElement, attribute_name: str) Optional[str]
If the attribute exists on the objectified node then return it, else return None